Freshmen MSA Class: Patient Care
This first course is designed to introduce students to careers in the healthcare field. Topics of study will include occupations in healthcare; health, safety, and environmental management; infection control; human structure, function, disease, and disorders; documentation of patient information; body mechanics, emergency procedures and protocols; and law and ethics. The first semester is focused on making goals and setting pathways for students’ future, from college to post college. In addition, they complete multiple certifications such as OSHA, HIPAA, CPR and First Aid, and Bloodborne Pathogens that will help in the medical field and life in general. Students also look at healthcare of the past, present, and future, and learn about different fields within healthcare by listening to multiple guest speakers. Medical terminology, soft skills, and introductory skills, such as ankle wrapping and checking pulses, are also incorporated into this class. Towards the end of the year, students narrow their focus and begin their end-of-the-year project by researching one specific healthcare profession and presenting it to MSA teachers and students.

What Do Freshmen Do in MSA?
Freshmen are introduced to the practical side of MSA through freshmen observations. For each sports game, freshmen will be able to observe sophomores, juniors, and seniors use their practical skills to treat injuries that occur on the field. During football games, they are able to work the water refill station. This involves refilling empty water bottles and observing other students’ roles in the game.
If freshmen decide to take the MSA Practicum class, they will be expected to complete a minimum 30 hours per semester, for a total of 60 hours for the whole year. Honors hours are 60 hours or more per semester, for a total of 120 hours for the whole year. Freshmen can earn these hours through their "freshmen observations" explained above, or through practicing their practical skills. These skills, learned in their Patient Care class, are practiced after school in the MSA rooms. Freshmen must "pass off"on, or master a certain number of skills by the end of the semester. This "pass off" is confirmed through an individual test administered by an MSA teacher or MSA leader.
Freshmen in the MSA earn the healthcare certifications listed below. Every year students in the academy build on the certifications they earned in freshmen year. This all prepares them to work in a medical office/setting in their senior year internship.
Basic Life Support
First Aid
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Certification
Bloodborne Pathogens
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Certification