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Course Outline

MSA students are required to take an Academy class per year. They take Patient Care as a Freshman, Body Systems and Disorders as a sophomore and a CTE class in their chosen pathway as Juniors and Seniors. Another optional class is offered to all of our students called a practicum class. They will be required to complete 30 patient care hours per semester to pass and 60 hours to receive an Honors award! They can either take medical-based general education Academy classes or Honors/Advanced Placement classes alongside their MSA classes as well. 


AP/ Academy Biology

Honors/ Academy English 9

Honors/ General Algebra


Honors/ General Geometry

Academy Modern Civilization/AP World


World Language

Physical Education

Patient Care 

MSA Practicum 


AP/ Academy Chemistry

Honors/ Academy English 10

Honors/ General Geometry


Honors/ Academy Algebra 2 Trig

Physical Education 

Body Systems & Disorders


MSA Practicum


Honors Anatomy & Physiology

AP Lang & Comp/Academy English 11

Honors/ Academy Algebra 2 Trig 


Honors/ General Precalculus OR

AP Calculus AB or BC

Junior Pathway Class 

MSA Practicum


Honors Molecular Genetics & Microbiology


AP/Regular Physics

AP Lit & Comp/Academy English 12

AP Calculus AB/BC


AP Statistics 

Senior Pathway Class


MSA Practicum 

Upon the end of their freshman year, students will be expected to think about what Academy pathway they would like to choose: Sports Medicine or Emergency Medicine. Students must choose their pathway by the end of sophomore year.
The pathways focus on certain aspects specific to that pathway and open opportunities in different fields. In order for students to be well rounded, after school classes are held which cover a range of topics and skills.

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Tel: 661-294-1188 ext 707 |Address: 27801 N. Dickason Dr. Valencia, CA 91355

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