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Joe Monteleone, Body Systems and Disorders & Sports Medicine & Honors Athletic Training
Jonathan Gedalia, Patient Care 1 & Emergency Medicine & Honors EMR

Ms. Desso has taught chemistry and biology for the academy since it started in 2015. She is a proud graduate of Valencia High School and attended UCLA for undergraduate work in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics. After graduating, she obtained her Master's in science education from CSUN. Ms. Desso loves to travel, be outdoors, and read sci-fi books.

Tamara Desso, Biology
Michelle Fischer, AP Chemistry 
Sam Hein, American Literature & Expository English

 Sam Hein is in his third year of teaching at Valencia High. He teaches 11th grade American Literature and 12th grade Expository English. He is the Mock Trial coach, and he joined the MSA team this year as well. Mr. Hein is getting married in the summer, just moved back to Santa Clarita, and also welcomed a furry new member to his family in 2018 named Beans. In his spare time, Mr. Hein enjoys going on hikes around the greater Los Angeles area, and attending live comedy shows. While Sam’s expertise lies in literature, he’s been inspired to work different medical concepts into his curriculum with his MSA students this year.

Ray Sanchez, Honors Human Anatomy & Physiology
Brian Arnold, U.S History

Brian Arnold is a U.S. history teacher in his 2nd year as a part of the MSA program. Mr. Arnold began at VHS in 2002 as a special education teacher. He moved to the history department three years later, and has taught mainly U.S. History for the last 14 school years. He also serves as the Offensive Line coach for the varsity football team. Prior to Valencia High School, Mr. Arnold attended Canyon High School and Cal Lutheran University where he earned a BA in Social Science and a Master's degree in education.

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Tel: 661-294-1188 ext 707 |Address: 27801 N. Dickason Dr. Valencia, CA 91355

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